Analysis of the sensitivity of the hygrothermal behaviour of a wall to different concrete hygrothermal characteristics


We analysed the sensitivity of the hygrothermal behaviour of a wall to the use of four datasets of hygrothermal characteristics of concrete available in the WUFI-Pro software database. Selected data have the same order of magnitude of specific mass and thermal conductivity, but different hygrothermal characteristics. A ground floor dwelling was considered, both unoccupied and occupied with natural ventilation. The results show the determining effect of hygrothermal characteristics on the wall moisture content, internal surface relative humidity and surface mould proliferation, thereby indicating the importance of measuring experimentally such characteristics for Brazilian materials.

BRITO, Adriana Camargo de; SILVA, Fernanda Belizário. Análise da sensibilidade do comportamento higrotérmico de uma parede a diferentes características higrotérmicas de concreto. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, Ambiente Construído: Resiliente e Sustentável, 19., 2022, Canela. Anais… 14p.

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