Acoustic performance of concrete block masonry used between dwellings


The requirement of airborne sound insulation between dwellings when one of the rooms is a bedroom is frequently discussed due to the difficulty of meeting the Brazilian performance standard criteria. In this context, this article shows the sound insulation values promoted by four types of concrete block masonry walls used between dwellings (twining walls). For that, insulation tests in the field, design analyses and technical visits on site were carried out. The results show that with execution care and quality control, concrete block masonry can promote the airborne sound insulation required between dwellings when one of the rooms is a bedroom.

OLIVEIRA, Luciana Alves de; SOUSA; Denis Emanoel de; ESTEVES, Leonardo Macedo; CURISALLE, Patrícia; SILVA, Ricardo da; SANTOS, Rodrigo Andrade dos. Desempenho acústico de paredes de alvenarias de blocos de concreto utilizadas entre unidades adjacentes. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, Ambiente Construído: Resiliente e Sustentável, 19., 2022, Canela. Anais… Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2022 13p.

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