Characterization of enterprises involved in non-wood forest production in the Caatinga biome*


The non-wood forest production holds a more and more important position in rural areas of Caatinga Biome. At present, there are three sources of data from which is possible to characterize this sector: (1) survey carried out by Project “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Caatinga; (2) survey carried out by Bee Network; and (3) database of SIES-MTE. It is estimated that there is a total of 1.177 NWFP enterprises in the Northeast region, of which, 508 are located in Caatinga biome. The apiarist group is the most significant, but the fiber, wood, fruit and medicinal groups are also important. A trend of specialization in only one group was observed, but many enterprises work with more than one. The use of a high native species diversity was identified, what emphasizes this vegetation potential for this kind of production. Worries regarding the supply and management of raw material are still minimum and, at most, is restricted to a few techniques os sustainable gathering. Even though 65% of the enterprises had been created aiming at job and income generation, its formalization is still incipient, having taken place in the last ten years. Taking into account the three sources of information, 23,000 people are directly involved, mostly women, with the exception of wax and apiarist groups. Commercialization is the activity that requires more support and training, with the prevalence of local and regional sales. The income obtained with non-wood forest production is still very variable with a mean of R$ 280,00 per month per associated. Considering the biome socioeconomic situation, it can be concluded that the NWFP sector provides a significant contribution for job and income generation and represents an important potential for sustainable social, environmental and economical growth.

* Article available in Portuguese only.

Santos Jr., A. G.; Souza, C. A. Caracterização de empreendimentos envolvidos com produção florestal não-madeireira no bioma Caatinga. Estatística Florestal da Caatinga., Natal, v. 1., p. 18-32, 2008.

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