Soil bioengineering: its applicability in mining areas recovery and in the provision of environmental services


This study discusses the applicability of soil bioengineering techniques in recovering degraded areas due to the mining activity and the maximized provision of associated environmental services. The objectives of this study are: i) to identify the applicability of soil bioengineering techniques in attenuating or enhancing the effects of natural (biophysical) processes in mining areas; ii) to analyze the applicability of soil bioengineering in the recovery phase of degraded areas by the mining activity; iii) to identify the potential environmental services associated to mining areas to be recovery with the use of soil bioengineering techniques. Soil bioengineering techniques currently applied in Brazil were identified and characterized. The environmental services, associated to them, were grouped into the following categories: support, regulation and culture, highlighting the ones related to carbon stocks increase, habitats formation, biodiversity increase, and improvement of soil physical conditions

SOLERA, Maria Lucia; GALLARDO, Amarilis Lucia Casteli Figueiredo ; SOUZA, Caroline Almeida de ; LONGO, Mariana Hortelani Carneseca ; BRAGA, Tânia de Oliveira . Bioengenharia de solos : aplicabilidade na recuperação de áreas mineradas e na oferta de serviços ambientais. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais, n. 34, p. 46-59, dez., 2014.

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