Evaluation of the volume-controlled ventilation mode of a pulmonar ventilator sample COVID-19 pandemic


This article refers to the evaluation of a commercial pulmonary ventilator sample according to an excerpt from the ABNT NBR ISO 80601-2-12 standard, about volume-controlled ventilation, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. To perform the analysis, data collected experimentally by the IPTPoli union, established in response to the pandemic with the objective of carrying out the maintenance and analysis of pulmonary ventilators in order to alleviate the shortage of these equipment due to high demand, were used. These data were computationally processed in order to allow comparison with the expected values according to the standard. The results obtained demonstrated a consistent behavior of the ventilator in general, since no standard deviation was above 7%. In this context, the analysis presented in this article is important in order to corroborate the understanding of some operating principles of mechanical ventilation, as well as the minimum safety requirements of the equipment.

SOUZA, M.C.; LOPES, M.H.G.; LINO-ALVARADO, Alembert Eistein; VITORASSO, R.L.; MELLO, Sara Gomes;; FERREIRA JUNIOR, Antonio Francisco Gentil; MORIYA, H.T. Evaluation of the volume-controlled ventilation mode of a pulmonar ventilator sample COVID-19 pandemic. In: CONGRESSO LATINO-AMERICANO DE ENGENHARIA BIOMÉDICA, 9.; CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE ENGENHARIA BIOMÉDICA, 28., 2022, on-line. Anais… 4 p.

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