Evaluation of the pozzolanic activity of heavy clay ceramic waste from main ceramic clusters of S. Paulo State, Brazil


In search of a more sustainable production, the domestic cement industry has increasingly used mineral additions in part to replace clinker in Portland cement, in order to reduce the consumption of energy, raw materials and natural CO2 emission. It has been found in Brazil’s interest for the use of calcined clays, opening prospects for the recovery of waste from the ceramic industry, the main burnt products have similar properties. This is an industrial segment widespread in the country, despite advances involving the modernization of industrial and greater control and standardization of product processes, is a competitive bottleneck significant losses fired products. This work focused on the pozzolanic properties of eight samples of red ceramic residue (RCV), its relations with the composition of the raw materials used in industry (ceramic material) and the firing temperature, with a view to taking advantage of RCV as a cementitious product. Two types of materials were used for the study: the ceramic material and the RCV generated by defects of products and breakage during manufacture. The samples were collected in ceramic industries representing four major ceramic centers of São Paulo (two plants at each pole), in regions of Itú, Tatuí, Tambaú and Vargem Grande do Sul. The study results indicate that the masses of the various formulations of ceramic industries are very similar, even with intrinsic differences in the type of furnace and industrial products. Collected materials were ground and homogenized to yield promising results in terms of reactivity by the essay Chapelle, which provides your application with mineral admixture to Portland cement.

GARCIA, E.; CABRAL JUNIOR, Marsis; QUARCIONI, Valdecir Angelo; CHOTOLI, Fabiano Ferreira. Avaliação da atividade pozolânica dos resíduos de cerâmica vermelha produzidos nos principais polos ceramistas do Estado de São Paulo. Cerâmica, v.61, n. 358, p.251-258, abr.-jun., 2015.

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