Avaliação da intergerometria diferencial (DInsAR), gerada com a Banda-P, na detecção e medição de movimentos do terreno nas margens do Rio Madeira, RO-AM


This paper describes the performance of Differential Interferometry (DInSAR), generated from an interferometric SAR operating with P-Band, in detection and measurement of ground surface movements caused by erosive processes in the Madeira River (RO-AM). The study area is characterized by approximately 240 kilometers of riverbanks, beginning in the Santo Antônio Hydro Power Plant, located in the city of Porto Velho (Rondônia), and extends downstream to the city of Humaitá (Amazonas). The analysis methodology was established by comparing DInSAR time series with field observations obtained in 101 measurement sections. The results showed a positive performance of the DInSAR technology, indicating that of a total of 405 field measurements, in 83% of the samples, the technology was capable of pointing the same direction of vertical movement recorded in the field. In the case of the magnitude of the measurements, considering a margin of error of 6 cm, in 66% of the cases the interferometric SAR presented the same measurement obtained in the field. Notwithstanding satisfactory results, the technique is supposed to be improved by applying new developments in the differential data processing. In any case, considering the actual results, the technology presents already a great potential for application to monitoring movements of the terrain surface.

GAMBA, Carlos Tadeu de Carvalho; ALBARELLI, Daniel Seabra Nogueira Alves; CRISMA, Pedro Rabello; AZEVEDO, Adalberto Aurélio; DOZZI, Lúcia de Fátima Silveira; MACEDO, Karlus Alexander Camara de; LÜBECK, Dieter; BARRETO, Thiago Luiz Moraies; MATOS, Leandro; MATOS, Leandro; NOGUEIRA JUNIOR, João Bosoco. Avaliação da intergerometria diferencial (DInsAR), gerada com a Banda-P, na detecção e medição de movimentos do terreno nas margens do Rio Madeira, RO-AM. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO, 8., 2017, Santos. Anais… 8 p.

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