This paper discusses an experience of delimitation deposition areas related to the occurrence of possible debris flow event, based on a method developed in Japan. The method was applied in the context of the activities of elaboration of the Geotechnical Charter of Aptitude for Urbanization of the Municipality of Praia Grande, coast of the State of São Paulo, region of Baixada Santista. However, the municipality of Praia Grande does not have a significant history of events like those municipalities located in the same region, which comprise the Serra do Mar domains, a fact that motivated the delimitation. The objective was to delimit the sediment deposition areas in order to establish specific guidelines for territorial and urban planning, especially in the sense of avoiding the occupation of these areas. The results obtained showed that the adopted method is an important tool to establish occupancy guidelines in these areas, which tends to be valid also for situations of localized landslide, although in this case there are additional difficulties to delimit the zone of greatest impact. Naturally, the Serra do Mar slopes in the municipality have potential for debris flow generation, according to the drainage basins indicated in the Praia Grande Mass Movement and Flood Susceptibility Chart. For the areas considered unfavorable or inappropriate to the occupation, in view of the potential attainment by debris flow, more detailed studies are recommended in order to point out the necessary conditions for the safe occupation in the corresponding basins.
CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; GRAMANI, Marcelo Fischer; BITAR, Omar Yazbek. Áreas de atingimento por corrida de massa e escorregamento no município de Praia Grande, SP. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 16., 2018, São Paulo. Anais.. São Paulo: ABGE, 2018. 10 p.
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This paper discusses an experience of delimitation deposition areas related to the occurrence of possible debris flow event, based on a method developed in Japan. The method was applied in the context of the activities of elaboration of the Geotechnical Charter of Aptitude for Urbanization of the Municipality of Praia Grande, coast of the State of São Paulo, region of Baixada Santista. However, the municipality of Praia Grande does not have a significant history of events like those municipalities located in the same region, which comprise the Serra do Mar domains, a fact that motivated the delimitation. The objective was to delimit the sediment deposition areas in order to establish specific guidelines for territorial and urban planning, especially in the sense of avoiding the occupation of these areas. The results obtained showed that the adopted method is an important tool to establish occupancy guidelines in these areas, which tends to be valid also for situations of localized landslide, although in this case there are additional difficulties to delimit the zone of greatest impact. Naturally, the Serra do Mar slopes in the municipality have potential for debris flow generation, according to the drainage basins indicated in the Praia Grande Mass Movement and Flood Susceptibility Chart. For the areas considered unfavorable or inappropriate to the occupation, in view of the potential attainment by debris flow, more detailed studies are recommended in order to point out the necessary conditions for the safe occupation in the corresponding basins.
CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; GRAMANI, Marcelo Fischer; BITAR, Omar Yazbek. Áreas de atingimento por corrida de massa e escorregamento no município de Praia Grande, SP. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 16., 2018, São Paulo. Anais.. São Paulo: ABGE, 2018. 10 p.
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