Construção de bases de conhecimento digitais do processo de moagem de minério com a integração da fenomenologia e sistemas


Brazil is one of the largest mineral power in the world. This translates into several projects installed throughout its territory. Mineral processing is essential in most of these operations in order to adapt the ore to commercial specifications (subsequent processes). Comminution, especially milling, plays a significant role in the operating costs of the mining, especially in the context of energy consumption and grinding media. Such a scenario tends to be accentuated due to the decrease in ore contents, as this implies the need for an increasingly finer comminution and in the processing of increasingly higher throughput. In this sense, it is extremely important to reduce operating costs for the viability of the projects. In ball milling, the development of materials with high wear resistance and the control of operational variables are essential to reduce wear and energy consumption. In addition, there is a need to maintain a balance between ore variability and production specifications (flow rate, product size). Achieving this balance is a challenge that can be overcome with automation and digitalization of processes. The world is moving rapidly towards Industry 4.0, and the mining industry will necessarily participate in that movement. IPT is expanding its human and material training on topics related to digital transformation, such as cyber-physical systems, sensing and mathematical modeling via the Institutional Research Development Plan – PDIP, financed by FAPESP. Within this plan, IPT intends to use its pilot ore milling plant as a laboratory for studies of the industry 4.0 concept. The general objective of this article is to describe the retrofit and digitalization project of the pilot milling plant existing at IPT, with the objective of developing a cyber-physical system applied to the iron ore milling process.

MORAES, Sandra Lucia de; SILVA, Andre Luiz Nunis da; PEREIRA, Matheus Jacon; CAVALCANTE, Douglas Bellomo; SANTOS, Alessandro Santiago dos; PEDROSA, Francisco Junior Batista; NAHAT, Theodoro Pereira de Souza; JOSÉ NETO, Dimas; ALBERTIN, Eduardo. Construção de bases de conhecimento digitais do processo de moagem de minério com a integração da fenomenologia e sistemas. In: ABM WEEK, 7.; SIMPÓSIO DE MINERAÇÃO, 21., 2022, São Paulo. Anais… 11p.

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