Análise de risco à implantação de um túnel em área de proteção ambiental: o caso da Gruta Santa Luzia, Mauá, SP


The implementation of underground works cause changes in the volume of permanent storage, in the renewable resources and exploitation of aquifers, as well as in the patterns of movement of groundwater and the watertable drawdown, which is materialized in the surface by the reducing the flow of springs, being this the most sensitive environmental implications, besides the settlements arising from relegation induced. In the Parque da Gruta Santa Luzia, municipality of Mauá, are localized the sources of the river Tamanduateí, one of the main rivers of the city, under the which was conceived one tunnel for the construction of the Ring Road Mario Covas in its stretch east. The main objective of the analysis was to provide subsidies for the decision analisys, faced the risk of draining the rock mass and the resulting reduction of flow the springs of the river, regarded as unacceptable in environmental terms. Based on geological and structural surveys, geophysical surveys, rotary drills and tests of loss of water pressure, was developed a hydrogeological conceptual model of groundwater flow, which was used as the basis for an assessment of the implications of each the tunnel alignment alternatives under study, allowing to conclude which alternative would cause greatest impacts on groundwater flow and, in turn, the sources present in the area and in particular those affecting more directly the headwaters of the river Tamanduateí.

AZEVEDO, Adalberto Aurélio; BLANCO, Régis Gonçalves; DEHIRA, Lauro Kazumi; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz. Análise de risco à implantação de um túnel em área de proteção ambiental: o caso da Gruta Santa Luzia, Mauá, SP. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 14., 2013, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2013. CD. 10 p.

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