Precipitação pluviométrica diária no município de Guarujá, SP, dezembro de 1998-2019: uma contribuição para o plano preventivo de defesa civil do Estado de São Paulo em especial para município do Guarujá


The high rate of rainfall is responsible for most cases of exogenous events, such as: landslides, floods, spate and inundation, in addition to environmental and social damages and losses. The Civil Defense of Guarujá operates the Civil Defense Preventive Plan – PPDC, through the coordination of the State Coordination of Civil Protection and Defense – CEPDEC with the support of the Institute for Technological Research-IPT and Geological Institute-IG. The plan comes into force annually, in the summer period, starting on December 1st and extending until March 31st, and can be extended. The PPDC is considered as a specific non-structural measure for landslides on the slopes of Serra do Mar in the State of São Paulo. According to the Civil Defense and Protection of Guarujá Coordination Database, the municipality has an annual rainfall of 2250 mm, with 1060 mm only during the summer season, December to March. This article presents the characteristics of intensity and monthly / annual frequency of daily rainfall events in Guarujá, with the main objective of presenting subsidies and disaster management actions, during the stages of prevention, preparation, response and recovery for the performance of Civil Defense and Protection of Guarujá.

ABREU, Jozzefer Vincov de; FERNANDEZ, Carlos Adolfo Silva; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina. Precipitação pluviométrica diária no município de Guarujá, SP, dezembro de 1998-2019: uma contribuição para o plano preventivo de defesa civil do Estado de São Paulo em especial para município do Guarujá. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 17., 2022, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 7p.

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