It were developed some laboratory technics for measuring the coefficients of effective intrinsic permeability, hydrodynamic dispersion and attenuation, for the flow of methane gas through a soil. It was used for the tests a “chromatograph-like” equipment that was basically an adaptation of a gas chromatograph set with a flame ionization detector, substituting the chromatographic column by a compacted soil column and analyzing the breakthrough curve with the advection-dispersion equation. The test is quick, just a few seconds in general, with the additional advantage that is not necessary to take samples periodically of the effluent to determinate the breakthrough curve, as in the traditional procedure, which eliminates the influence that it can have on the flux and also the uncertainty about the correct time interval to take samples. A sandy silt compacted in different conditions was tested by flow of methane gas. The results showed good agreement internal and with those presented in the literature.
IGNATIUS, Scandar Gasperazzo. Laboratory determination of parameters for the flow of gas through soils. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE MECÂNICA DOS SOLOS E ENGENHARIA GOETÉCNICA, 20, 2022, Campinas. Anais… 8p.
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It were developed some laboratory technics for measuring the coefficients of effective intrinsic permeability, hydrodynamic dispersion and attenuation, for the flow of methane gas through a soil. It was used for the tests a “chromatograph-like” equipment that was basically an adaptation of a gas chromatograph set with a flame ionization detector, substituting the chromatographic column by a compacted soil column and analyzing the breakthrough curve with the advection-dispersion equation. The test is quick, just a few seconds in general, with the additional advantage that is not necessary to take samples periodically of the effluent to determinate the breakthrough curve, as in the traditional procedure, which eliminates the influence that it can have on the flux and also the uncertainty about the correct time interval to take samples. A sandy silt compacted in different conditions was tested by flow of methane gas. The results showed good agreement internal and with those presented in the literature.
IGNATIUS, Scandar Gasperazzo. Laboratory determination of parameters for the flow of gas through soils. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE MECÂNICA DOS SOLOS E ENGENHARIA GOETÉCNICA, 20, 2022, Campinas. Anais… 8p.
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