New textile creations as a differential factor in the global market


Brazil certainly stands out for being the sixth world economy. However, to emerge in the competitive textile market and to differentiate themselves, much work needs to be developed, both in the production chain (from the spinning of fibers and yarns, weaving, knitting, processing up to the clothing manufacture stage), and in the textile design project. This study aims to demonstrate how to make competitive a Brazilian textile product through creative projects of the textile designer, with an emphasis on fashion, using a specific methodology, widespread by Studio Berçot Paris, from its initial research phase to the practical development of issue models. These new textile creations can br proposed, tested and incorporated to industrial production, marking possible the beginning of a most advanced Brazilian industry’s cycle and deployed before the overall market, made possible by research, technology and innovation, combined with the design, as a differential factor of new textiles products.

CAMBOIM, Maria Regina; SANTIAGO DE QUEIROZ, Rayana; AVELAR, Suzana. New textile creations as a differential factor in the global market. In: TEXTILE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, 41., 2012, Guimarães, Portugal. Proceedings… 5 p.

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