Immobilization of fructosyltransferase on sílica gel and vegetable sponge for fructooligosaccharides production


The aim of this work was to study the immobilization yield, enzymatic activity and operational stability of extracellular fructosyltransferase (FTase) immobilized by adsorption on silica gel and vegetable sponge. The immobilization yield of FTase supported on silica gel (85 %) was higher than for FTase supported on vegetable sponge (34 %). Also, the FTase supported on silica gel showed the highest operational stability after 4 batch reaction cycles. Nevertheless, the FTase supported on vegetable sponge showed the highest recovered activity (83.64 %). This study demonstrated a strong influence of the support materials tested on the activity of immobilized FTase as well as its high potential of application for production of fructooligosaccharides.

FARIA, Larissa L.; XAVIER, Michelle C.A.; JUNIOR, Leandro R.S.; SILVA, Elda Sabino; MAIORANO, Alfredo Eduardo; MORALES, Sergio A.V.; PERNA, Rafael F. Immobilization of fructosyltransferase on sílica gel and vegetable sponge for fructooligosaccharides production. In: SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE BIOPROCESSOS, 22.; SIMPÓSIO DE HIDRÓLISE ENZIMÁTICA DE BIOMASSAS, 13., 2019, Uberlândia. Anais… 4p.

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