Fructooligosaccharides are fructose oligomers with prebiotic properties, found in plants, but potentially obtained by the use of microbial enzymes, such as fructosyltransferase (FTase, E.C. Aspergillus oryzae IPT-301 has been observed as a potential producer of the enzyme with high transfructosylation activities (At) and low hydrolytic activities (Ah), which is highly relevant for industrial applications. This study aimed at verifying the influence of sucrose concentration on FTase activity and the ratio between the activities (At/Ah), as well as evaluating enzymatic kinetics according to the classical kinetic models. It was verified that for a range of substrate concentrations (400 to 800 g L-1), the extracellular FTase exhibited At of 14.6 ± 0.1 U mL-1, while Ah was 2.56 ± 0.33 U mL-1, corresponding (At/Ah) to a ratio around 6.0. It was also observed that the Michaelis-Menten kinetics model satisfactorily fitted to a set of experimental data of extracellular FTase. The values of the kinetic parameters obtained, Vmax and Km, were 16.24 U mL-1 and 68.07 g L-1.
CUNHA, Josivan de Souza; PRADO, José Pedro Zanetti; BASSO, Rodrigo Corrêa; SILVA, Elda Sabino da; MAIORANO, Alfredo Eduardo; PERNA, Rafael Firmani. Extracellular fructosyltransferase: effect of sucrose concentration on transfructosylation and hydrolytic activities and evaluation of enzymatic kinetics. In: SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE BIOPROCESSOS, 21., 2017, Aracaju. Anais…
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Fructooligosaccharides are fructose oligomers with prebiotic properties, found in plants, but potentially obtained by the use of microbial enzymes, such as fructosyltransferase (FTase, E.C. Aspergillus oryzae IPT-301 has been observed as a potential producer of the enzyme with high transfructosylation activities (At) and low hydrolytic activities (Ah), which is highly relevant for industrial applications. This study aimed at verifying the influence of sucrose concentration on FTase activity and the ratio between the activities (At/Ah), as well as evaluating enzymatic kinetics according to the classical kinetic models. It was verified that for a range of substrate concentrations (400 to 800 g L-1), the extracellular FTase exhibited At of 14.6 ± 0.1 U mL-1, while Ah was 2.56 ± 0.33 U mL-1, corresponding (At/Ah) to a ratio around 6.0. It was also observed that the Michaelis-Menten kinetics model satisfactorily fitted to a set of experimental data of extracellular FTase. The values of the kinetic parameters obtained, Vmax and Km, were 16.24 U mL-1 and 68.07 g L-1.
CUNHA, Josivan de Souza; PRADO, José Pedro Zanetti; BASSO, Rodrigo Corrêa; SILVA, Elda Sabino da; MAIORANO, Alfredo Eduardo; PERNA, Rafael Firmani. Extracellular fructosyltransferase: effect of sucrose concentration on transfructosylation and hydrolytic activities and evaluation of enzymatic kinetics. In: SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE BIOPROCESSOS, 21., 2017, Aracaju. Anais…
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