Valoração de danos de desastres naturais


Natural disasters trigger a chain of events that may affect the local economy or even national because of its magnitude. The factors that influence the calculation of the damage are: magnitude, duration, geographical location, population affected. From an economic point of view the losses are associated with human life, physical infrastructure, financial capital and reduction of economic activity. The quantification of the cost of a disaster involves the direct and indirect damage. Direct damage are related damage and destruction of infrastructure (houses, public and private buildings, industries, bridges, pipelines, highways, water supply network, etc.) and the indirect damages with the interruption-related economic activities (business interruption). A difficulty for the calculation of the damange is associated with the definition of the baseline scenario from which will be held the valuation. There are different methodologies for the quantification of damages. This work aims to present the existing methodologies and application examples.

CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; AZEVEDO, Paulo Brito Moreira de. Valoração de danos de desastres naturais. In: CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE DE ANÁLISE DE RISCO LATINO AMERICANA, 3., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2016. 7 p.

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