Uso de biomassa tradicional como fonte em energia em residências: um panorama do Brasil e do Mundo


The use of traditional biomass around the world for both cooking and heating purposes still accounts for a large share of the world’s total energy consumption. Wood from native forest, used for direct burning as firewood, is the main traditional biomass source. In developing countries with high availability of raw material, like Brazil, firewood is widely used for different uses. This type of energy source is usually related to the users’ socioeconomic level, being an energy solution for poorer families. On the other hand, the consumption of firewood is also associated with air pollution and respiratory diseases caused by the combustion process. This work aims to analyze the use of traditional biomass as a source of energy for domestic use in Brazil, in order to verify the relationship between the social, climate and culture characteristics of each political region with the use of firewood in residential consumption. A literature review on these aspects was elaborated, considering the global level as well as the Brazilian and its political regions’ levels. In addition, some estimates and analyses were drawn to demonstrate the relationship between income and the option to use firewood as fuel. The results show that there is a positive correlation between the use of traditional biomass and the socioeconomic level of each Brazilian political region. Climatic factors, such as low temperatures, are also related to a higher consumption of this biofuel. Current studies indicate a trend for a gradual decrease in the use of traditional biomass, being replaced by modern energy sources, such as biogas, wind and solar.

COELHO, Suani Teixeira. Uso de biomassa tradicional como fonte em energia em residências: um panorama do Brasil e do Mundo. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PLANEJAMENTO ENERGÉTICO, 11., 20181, Cuiabá. Anais… 12 p.

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