Transformação antrópica da paisagem na bacia hidrográfica do rio Uma, Ibiúna, São Paulo


The landscape assessments are designed to draw a profile of the anthropic pressure, supporting policies and environmental management programs. Among the methods for diagnosis of landscape condition, the Anthropic Transformation Index (ATI) correlated with the spatial analysis proved the potential for data collection to characterize the anthropogenic scenarios. The study aimed to evaluate the anthropic transformation of Una Watershed, by combining the Anthropic Transformation Index, remote sensing and Geographic Information System. The mapping of land use and vegetation cover of the basin was carried out from the satellite image multispectral orthorectified RapidEye of the year November 2013. The ATI was calculated by assigned weights ranging from 1 to 10 for percentage each land use and vegetation cover. Thirteen units land use and vegetation cover was identified and classified into agricultural anthropic areas (50.85%), area non-agricultural anthropic (04.05%), anthropic area (5.75%), followed by natural vegetation area (38.10%) and water (25.1%). The higher prevalence of antropic areas and the lowest percentage of vegetation areas can be explained, in terms, of the region be inserted in a sector with strong agricultural vocation and 11% of the basin comprises urban area. The ATI is consistent and contributes to detailed studies, including those initial characterization of the landscape to survey the ocupation Watershed in scope the environmental planning and management.

LOPES, Elfanuy Reis do Nascimento; SOUZA, José Carlos de; SALES, Jomil Costa Abreu; SOUSA, Jocy Ana Paixão de; PADOVANNI, Naia Godoy; MORAIS, Maria Cintia Matias de; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; LOURENÇO, Roberto Wagner. Transformação antrópica da paisagem na bacia hidrográfica do rio Uma, Ibiúna, São Paulo. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO, 18., 2017, Santos. Anais… 8 p.

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