Among the most common organic pollutants, creosote is an oil derived from tar distillation widely used in wood preservation. Creosote is a complex mixture denser than water, being composed of compounds of high toxicity that are considered carcinogenic. Also, many remediation techniques do not perform well in creosote removal due to its complexity, either by not removing the residual phase or treating the dissolved phase. Therfore, the objective of this paper is to present a review about the creosote. Thus, it will be presented what has already been studied about this contaminant, from its physicochemical characterization to its porous behavior and possibilities of remediation.
SOARES, Lélia Cristina da Rocha; MENDES, Gabriela Paupitz; BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; YOSHIKAWA, Nestor Kenji; GOUVÊA JÚNIOR, José Carlos Rocha; NASCIMENTO, Claudio A.O.; VIANNA, Marilda M.G. Ramos. Uma revisão sobre o creosoto no meio poroso: características e possibilidades de remediação. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE MEIO AMBIENTE SUBTERRÂNEO, 6., 2019, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 4p.
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Among the most common organic pollutants, creosote is an oil derived from tar distillation widely used in wood preservation. Creosote is a complex mixture denser than water, being composed of compounds of high toxicity that are considered carcinogenic. Also, many remediation techniques do not perform well in creosote removal due to its complexity, either by not removing the residual phase or treating the dissolved phase. Therfore, the objective of this paper is to present a review about the creosote. Thus, it will be presented what has already been studied about this contaminant, from its physicochemical characterization to its porous behavior and possibilities of remediation.
SOARES, Lélia Cristina da Rocha; MENDES, Gabriela Paupitz; BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; YOSHIKAWA, Nestor Kenji; GOUVÊA JÚNIOR, José Carlos Rocha; NASCIMENTO, Claudio A.O.; VIANNA, Marilda M.G. Ramos. Uma revisão sobre o creosoto no meio poroso: características e possibilidades de remediação. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE MEIO AMBIENTE SUBTERRÂNEO, 6., 2019, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 4p.
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