Estimating economic losses of disaster in the São Paulo State


Between 1998 and 2007, direct economic losses associated with natural disasters were estimated at US$ 2.9 billion. In Brazil between 1995 and 2014 the total losses recorded was R$ 182.7 billion. In the data compelled by the cities at the S2ID System from the Nation Secretary of Civil Defense, in the State of São Paulo from 2013-2016, the reported material damages were around R$ 1.1 billion, the public economic losses about R$ 758 million and private losses approximately R$ 667 million. Total damages caused by natural disasters were around R$ 1 billion and technological disasters close to R$ 89 million. The public loss caused by natural disasters was about R$ 756 million, while related to technology, it was around R$ 2 million. Natural and technological disasters caused loss in the private sector of about R$ 665 million and R$ 2 million, respectively. Among the events related to natural disasters, the ones that caused the most damage and economic losses were hydrological and meteorological.

CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; AZEVEDO, Paulo Brito Moreira de. Valoração de perdas econômicas de desastre no Estado de São Paulo. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE REDUÇÃO DE RISCOS E DESASTRES, 3., 2019, Belem. Anais… 9 p.

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