Development of a methodology for hierarchization of Peixe River sub basins as to sediment production capacity


The watershed of the Peixe river, covering an area of approximately 11,000 km², comprising 38 municipalities and an estimated population of 500,000 inhabitants, faces serious problems caused by poor management of its water resources. The sediment production potential, determined using a methodology developed by IPT more than two decades ago, is high in nearly all the watershed area, which makes it impossible to use this method to hierarchize the sub-basins this way. This paper presents a metholodogy improvement proposal, using drainage density as a differentiation parameter for the sub-basins and producing a map of sediment production capacity. It was possible to observe a strong correlation between the occurrence of erosions and the ordering of the sub-basins proposed, thus allowing to use the developments of this paper as an instrument for water resources management, ensuring that more critical areas would be served prioritarily.

FALCETTA; Filipe Antonio Marques; ALMEIDA FILHO, Gerson Salviano; HELLMEISTER JUNIOR, Zeno. Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para hierarquização das sub-bacias do Rio do Peixe quanto a capacidade de produção de sedimentos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS, 22, 2017, Florianópolis. Anais… 8p.

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