Service life extension of concrete structures by reinforcement carbon steel coated or stainless steel


The durability of Brazilian concrete structures depends almost exclusively on the specification of a concrete of good quality and on an adequate thickness of the concrete that covers the reinforcement. However, other measures can be taken to secure and/or extend the life of these structures, such as the use of coated carbon steel or stainless steel rebars. These protection techniques have been used successfully overseas, being especially applied in works of great responsibility and/or maintenance restrictions and exposed to an environment of medium to strong aggressiveness. In Brazil, these and other already established protection technologies to reinforced concrete are very little known and applied. Therefore, it is very important disseminate them. The purpose of this paper is just that: to discuss the main features and scope of usage of coated carbon steel rebars (galvanized or epoxy painted) and the stainless steel rebars.

ARAUJO, Adriana de; MOREIRA, Anna Ramus; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Extensão da vida útil das estruturas de concreto com uso de armaduras de aço-carbono revestidas ou de aço inoxidável. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE CORROSÃO, INTERCORR, 2014, Fortaleza. Proceedings… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 2014. 15 p.

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