Cluster analysis and microstrucutral characterization, including EDS microanalysis, were used to investigate the non-metallic inclusions ferrous sample of the Real Factory of Ipanema Iron and tge D.Pedro II Bridfe (located in Bahia and made in Scotland); and the ferrous artifacts from the archaeological sites of San Miguel of Missões (Rio Gende do Sul, Brazil0 and Afonso Sardinha (São Paulo, Brazil, Prof. M.Andreatta’s collection) in order to investigate the signature of thie production processes, Cluster analysis of the results of the wustite phase of the inclusions (using as critical variables the contents MnO, MgO, Al2O3, V2O5 and TiO2) was very effective in separating the four groups of sampels : Bahia, Sardinha, Ipanema e Missões.
CALCINA, Elmer Antonio Mamani; LANDGRAF, Fernando José Gomes; AZEVEDO, Cesar Roberto de Farias. Microanálise de inclusões não metálicos de artefatos ferrosos da fábrica de ferro de Ipanema visando estabelecer a assinatura química do seu processo produtivo. In: CONGRESSO ANUAL DA ABM, 71., Rio de Janeiro, 2016. Anais… 10 p.
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