Methane reforming and iron carburization in the conditions of direct reduction processes


Direct Reduction processes use gases (CO and H2) for iron reduction and DRI production. The generation of this gas occurs through methane reforming, which can be done in a reformer or inside the reduction shaft with the DRI as catalyst. The latter occurs in the self-reforming processes. The kinetics of steam reforming of methane catalyzed by DRI was studied at temperatures between 875 oC and 1050 oC. DRI carburization in these conditions was also studied. The kinetic mechanism proposed by MünsterandGrabke(5,6)explain the reaction rates obtained up to 0,5 methane conversion on reforming. DRI was carburized when gas compositions with carbon equilibrium activity of one or higher were used. During carburization, carbon dissolves in iron forming a perlitic microstructure in the DRI after cooling. In conditions where carburization was intense, DRI showed no catalytic activity due to deposition of carbon in the form of graphite on the surface of iron particles.

RIBEIRO, Tiago Ramos; FERREIRA NETO, João Batista; POÇO, João Guilherme Rocha; TAKANO, Cyro; KOLBEINSEN, Leiv; RINGDALEN, Eli Reforma de metano e carburação de ferro nas condições dos processos de redução direta. In: SEMINÁRIO DE REDUÇÃO DE MINÉRIOS E MATÉRIAS-PRIMAS, 48., SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE AGLOMERAÇÃO DE MINÉRIOS, 6.2018, São Paulo. Anais… 12 p.

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