Mathematical modelling of direct reduction


The triple-interface grain model was applied to a direct reduction of hematite pellets by carbon monoxide gas (CO) in a fixed bed reactor. Four experiments were conducted in lab scale in two different temperatures using pellets with two different mean radii. Using Newton’s method for two variables, the model was fitted to the degree of reduction as a function of time in order to determine parameters for kinetics and diffusion inside the pellets. A maximum percentage error of around 2% was observed for three among the four experiments. It is hypothesized that in the experiment with greatest error, carbon deposition took place in an alumina layer inside the reactor. The final degree of reduction as function of pellet radius was determined by metalographic analysis for each experiment and compared to what was calculated by the model. The slope of the curves matched, thus indicating that mas transport inside the pellets is correctly assessed by the model.

20. SILVEIRA, João Ricardo Filipini; RIBEIRO, Tiago Ramos; BORTOLINI, Guilherme; MOYSÉS, Victória Beatriz Rontal. Modelagem matemática da redução direta. In: SEMINÁRIO DE REDUÇÃO DE MINÉRIOS E MATÉRIAS-PRIMAS, 48., SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE AGLOMERAÇÃO DE MINÉRIOS, 6., 2018, São Paulo. Anais… 13 p.

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