Iron carburation under direct reduction processes condictions


As one of the world’s biggest iron ore producers and, consequently, pellets destined for direct reduction (DR) processes, it is of great importance that DR processes be known in detail by Brazilian industries and researcher centers, including pricing and development of new pellets. The present work is a review of the phenomena associated to iron carburation under conditions similar to the direct reduction processes.

BARBOSA, Caio Cipriano; RIBEIRO, Tiago Ramos; MOURÃO, Marcelo Breda. Carburação de ferro nas condições dos processos de redução direta. In: SEMINÁRIO DE REDUÇÃO DE MINÉRIOS E MATÉRIAS-PRIMAS, 48., SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE AGLOMERAÇÃO DE MINÉRIOS, 6., 2018, São Paulo. Anais… 14 p.

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