Avaliação das causas do rompimento de pinos de aço inoxidável que sustentam placas refratárias de forno para queima de blocos cerâmicos


Fastening pins made of 310H austenitic stainless steel, used to fasten refractory blocks to the external metallic structure of a 107 m long and 4 m wide tunnel kiln for brick manufacturing, fractured after about nine years of service. The function of the pins was to maintain the internal refractory plates built in with the external steel structure,. The region between the external metallic structure and the refractory plates was filled in with a layer of thermal insulator. The working temperature in the failure region could change between 600 ºC to 920 ºC. The pins’ fracture that occurred due to creep, was favored by the reduction of the material’s resistance, in consequence of second phase precipitation and material oxidation.

ITO, Hamilton Lelis.; ALMEIDA, Neusvaldo Lira de; PEREIRA, Henrique B.; SILVA, Carlos Alberto; FROLLINI NETO, Constantino. Avaliação das causas do rompimento de pinos de aço inoxidável que sustentam placas refratárias de forno para queima de blocos cerâmicos. In: CONFERÊNCIA SOBRE TECNOLOGIA DE EQUIPAMENTOS, COTEQ, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… 10 p.

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