Equipments and pipelines inspection and monitoring are important activities for safe working conditions in the oil and gas industry. Conventional techniques to manage the internal corrosion have high accuracy, but they require considerable time to consolidate results and high operational costs, including those related to environment and health safety. In contrast, there are many non-intrusive equipments (NIE) being offered by the market. However, its potentialities in meeting the requirements of Petrobras Pipeline Integrity Program, regarding the accuracy and the ability to identify corrosion rates equal to or lower than 25 μm/year have not been assessed yet. With this purpose tests are being carried out under dynamic conditions and using fluids with different characteristics in order to verify the speed of response. The major goals of the study are the evaluation of the equipments in the sense of limits of detection and the determination of the speed of response and the sensitivity in relation to uniform and localized corrosion. Other points of interest are the indication of the most suitable monitoring technique for each simulated fluid and when working with corrosion inhibitors. As comparison pattern are being used the results obtained with conventional methods (gravimetric coupons and electric resistance probes)
MOREIRA, Anna Ramus; SILVA, Victor G.; ALMEIDA, Neusvaldo Lira de; VAZ, Gustavo Leitão; CHAVES, Luis Fernando Fiuza. Non-intrusive systems for monitoring internal corrosion of carbon steel pipes. In: NACE INTERNATIONAL CORROSION CONFERENCE, 2019, Nashville, Tennessee/EUA. Proceedings… 14 p.
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Equipments and pipelines inspection and monitoring are important activities for safe working conditions in the oil and gas industry. Conventional techniques to manage the internal corrosion have high accuracy, but they require considerable time to consolidate results and high operational costs, including those related to environment and health safety. In contrast, there are many non-intrusive equipments (NIE) being offered by the market. However, its potentialities in meeting the requirements of Petrobras Pipeline Integrity Program, regarding the accuracy and the ability to identify corrosion rates equal to or lower than 25 μm/year have not been assessed yet. With this purpose tests are being carried out under dynamic conditions and using fluids with different characteristics in order to verify the speed of response. The major goals of the study are the evaluation of the equipments in the sense of limits of detection and the determination of the speed of response and the sensitivity in relation to uniform and localized corrosion. Other points of interest are the indication of the most suitable monitoring technique for each simulated fluid and when working with corrosion inhibitors. As comparison pattern are being used the results obtained with conventional methods (gravimetric coupons and electric resistance probes)
MOREIRA, Anna Ramus; SILVA, Victor G.; ALMEIDA, Neusvaldo Lira de; VAZ, Gustavo Leitão; CHAVES, Luis Fernando Fiuza. Non-intrusive systems for monitoring internal corrosion of carbon steel pipes. In: NACE INTERNATIONAL CORROSION CONFERENCE, 2019, Nashville, Tennessee/EUA. Proceedings… 14 p.
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