Improving zinc-rich epoxy primer performance with conductive polymer incorporation


According to "International Measures of Prevention, Application and Economics of Corrosion Technology (IMPACT)" published by NACE International the global cost of corrosion is estimated to be US$2.5 trillion. Implementing corrosion prevention could save between U$375 to U$875 billion. Painting of structures exposed to atmospheres is the most commonly used form of corrosion protection for carbon steel. Zinc Rich Paints (ZRPs) are widely used today and are considered one of the most effective carbon-steel corrosion protection method. Thus, they have been widely used in paint schemes for highly aggressive environments. As a primer, ZRPs are used in the innermost layer of the coating with the main objective of protecting the substrate against corrosion and promoting adhesion to the substrate. In the present study, a paint formulation is proposed in which the metallic zinc is partially replaced by particles of a conductive polymer aiming at improving the mechanical properties of the paint scheme. A considerable increase in mechanical properties of the new formulation was observed when compared to a commercial ZRP without compromising the conductivity.

FRANCISCO, Danae Lopes; MENOSSI, Marilia Santos; SANTOS, Paloma Vieira dos; MOTTA, Alessandra Nery Gonçalves; GUIMARÃES, Kleber Lanigra; OLIVEIRA, Adriano Marim de; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Improving zinc-rich epoxy primer performance with conductive polymer incorporation. In: INTERNATIONAL CORROSION CONGRESS, 21., AND THE INTERNATIONAL CORROSION MEETING, 8., 2021, São Paulo. (on-line) Proceedings… 11p.  

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