1H time domain NMR top robe microstructural and mobility changes in polyamide 11 exposed to H2S scavengers. Why tyoe of information can be assessed?


In this article 1H Time Domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (TD-NMR) techniques were used to evaluate changes in the microstructure and chain mobility of polyamide 11 (PA11) induced by the exposure to a commercial H2S scavenger. Dipolar based NMR pulse sequences such as 1H mixed Magic Sandwich Echo (mixed-MSE), 1H Dipolar Filtered Magic Sandwich Echo (DF-MSE) and 1H Double Quantum time domain NMR (DQ-TDNMR), were applied. These methods provided information about changes in the segmental mobility, phase composition and chain crosslinking and entanglement in PA11. Mixed-MSE and DF-MSE results indicated that the contact with the H2S scavenger does not substantially change the crystallinity of PA11, but induces significant decrease on the chain mobility of its amorphous phase. DQ-TDNMR results obtained in the melt state of PA11 suggest that such decrease occurs due to the formation of crosslinks between PA11 chains induced by the H2S scavenger. In summary, while a simple mixed-MSE experiment may provide clear evidences about the polymer molecular integrity, more sophisticated methods such DF-MSE and DQ-TDNMR can be used to shed light on the nature of the degradation process. Because PA11 is one of the prime polymers used as barrier layer on flexible oil production pipelines, our results may be important for understating the set of conditions and parameters that contribute to its integrity.

PEREZ, Martha Gonzales; LIMA, Aline Pinde; MORAES, Tiago Bueno; CHAVES, Erica Gervasoni; RUIZ, Naira Machado da Silva; TEIXEIRA, Sylvia Correa dos Santos; HONORATO, Hercílio de Angeli; MENEZES, Sonia Maria Cabral; AZEVEDO, Eduardo Ribeiro de. 1H time domain NMR top robe microstructural and mobility changes in polyamide 11 exposed to H2S scavengers. Why tyoe of information can be assessed? Polymer Degradation and Stability, v. 202, 110001, Aug., 2022. 10 p.

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