Land use survey in permanent preservation areas of upper Tiete producer system, São Paulo, Brasil: planing grants


This work aims to analyze the conflicts of land use in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) for water courses protection of Upper Tiete Producer System watershed, an important water source for public supply in Metropolitan Region of São Paulo in order to provide guidelines for environmental planning. APP were delimited springs, watercourses and artificial reservoirs, using the Emplasa’s cartographic data, based on revised standards of the Forest Code. Being a headwater, 12.3% of the territory is areas with environmental function of preserving water resources, landscape, geological stability, soil and biodiversity. However, the results indicate that, although most of mapped APP is covered with vegetation in different stages of regeneration (62.6%), there is considerable conflicting land use (urban, agricultural and other uses) in APP (37.4%). Thus, in land use planning of this important water source area to the metropolis, the government should intensify surveillance measures to prevent inappropriate land uses in these protected areas; and adopt policies for the recovery of the areas already occupied unduly in order to reverse the environmental degradation observed

IKEMATSU, Priscila; FERREIRA, Andre Luiz ; ALMEIDA, Maria Cristina Jacinto de ; MONTEIRO, Ana Cândida Melo Cavani . Análise do uso e ocupação do solo nas áreas de preservação permanente do sistema produtor Alto Tietê, São Paulo, Brasil : subsídios ao planejamento. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS, 22., 2013, Bento Gonçalves. Atas… Porto Alegre: ABRH, 2013. 8 p.

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