Análise dos conflitos legais no uso do solo como ferramenta para o planejamento: o caso do sistema produtor Alto Tietê, São Paulo, Brasil


Whereas the problems related to urban growth into source watershed of Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo, this work aims to evaluate land use in legal environmental protection areas of Upper Tiete Producer System and how it’s related with guidelines set by actual legislation (federal, state and municipal). The assessment was based on maps of Protected Areas, permanent preservation areas, water source protection law and municipal master plans compared to land use in this areas. The results indicate part of territory committed to urban development invading areas for environmental protection by laws analyzed. In general, preservationist rules were more restrictive than those who settled in the cities and dynamics that are expected. In some cases, there is permissiveness to urban uses incompatible with legal requirement for this area. Law 9.866/97 represents the possibility of establishing policies to guide land use and, at the same time, prioritize the protection and maintenance of the quality and quantity of water sources. However, it’s necessary to conduct the participate and decentralized management of the area, the articulation of programs and regional and sectorial policies, and establishment of planning and management tools able to intervene and redirect land use in the study area to promote the protection water sources.

IKEMATSU, Priscila; FERREIRA, Andre Luiz; ALMEIDA, Maria Cristina Jacinto de; MONTEIRO, Ana Cândida Melo Cavani. Análise dos conflitos legais no uso do solo como ferramenta para o planejamento: o caso do sistema produtor Alto Tietê, São Paulo, Brasil. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS, 22., 2013, Bento Gonçalves. Atas… Porto Alegre: ABRH, 2013. 10 p.

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