Feasibility study of natural gas trigeneration associated with absorption chilled water and on grid photovoltaic system in the pharmaceutical industrial sector


Motivated by the growing energy demand and risks of shortages in the post-pandemic, this development evaluated the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of a natural gas trigeneration plant associated with a on grid photovoltaic system, for electricity, chilled and hot water generations in the pharmaceutical industrial sector. The study was based on a hybrid generation model, called the basic scenario, and four alternatives, three being hybrids and a traditional natural gas trigeneration. Simulators of cogeneration processes and photovoltaic systems were used, varying the operating time of the generator and the number
of photovoltaic modules, as well as the association with hot water and direct fired absorption chillers. The results in terms of energy efficiency and carbon dioxide emission were favorable for all the studied scenarios, while the economic indicators lost attractiveness increasing the generator operating time, as well as with the reduction of energy generated in panels photovoltaics. The hybrid plant in the basic scenario proved to be technically and financially viable, with the generator operating 8 hours a day, a photovoltaic system at full power and hot water storage for sanitary use. It resulted in an energy use factor of 72.9%, an internal rate of return of 15.8%, in addition to reductions of 38.3% in operating costs and 47.2% in carbon dioxide emissions compared to the conventional system. While traditional trigeneration, compatible with the installation’s electrical consumption without the contribution of the photovoltaic generator, proved to be economically unfeasible, due to the consumption and tariff of natural gas. The results show that generating part of the electricity in photovoltaic panels, making the dispatch of trigeneration compatible with the period of greatest demand for chilled water and grid electric peak hours, were determining factors for the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of the proposal.

PIVA, Laércio Antonio; ALDEIA, Wagner. Estudo de viabilidade de cogeração a gás natural associada resfriador de liquido por absorção e sistema fotovoltaico conectado a rede no setor industrial farmacêutico. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.6, n.19, p.43-66, maio, 2022.

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