Application of ABNT NBR ISO 37120/2021: study on water supply indicators in the city of Guarulhos/SP


This article summarizes the results of an application study of the “ABNT NBR ISO 37120:2021 – Sustainable Cities and Communities – Indicators for urban services and quality of life”, considering the case of the municipality of Guarulhos/SP. The work specifically focuses on item 23 of the Standard, related to water supply services. The results of the study show the possibility of obtaining data referring to the indicators proposed in the Standard in official information systems, both about the four indicators classified as essential and the three indicators considered to be of support. The discussion carried out based on the data obtained is presented, given the purpose of subsidizing the monitoring and evolution of the services provided, highlighting those that refer to the regularity in the supply of water to the population of the city and the conditions of the network of available infrastructure. In the conclusions, the potential of Norma is highlighted in the sense of contributing to obtaining a succinct overview of the subject in the city and, in this way, assisting in the decision-making process regarding the prioritization of actions to be carried out for the continuous improvement of the services provided.

SOUZA, Danielly Arcini; BITAR, Omar Yazbek. Aplicação da norma ABNT NBR ISO 37120/2021: estudo sobre indicadores de abastecimento de água no município de Guarulhos, SP. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.6, n.19, p.25-42, maio, 2022.

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