Prototype of a new concept of primary standard torque: first results


This article deals with the manufacture, assembly and test of a new primary torque standard concept recently patented. Unlike the methods most currently used, where the torque is changed by varying the applied mass or the length of the reaction arm, this new concept is based on the angular variation of the reaction arm. This concept aims to overcome some limitations of the current technology, such as the great physical effort that the technician has to apply, difficulties in the automation of the calibration sequence, the need for the removal and reinstallation of the transducer for changing the torque direction and to allow continuous calibration. The new standard intend to put together all these features while maintaining adequate and acceptable uncertainty values.

TACCOLA, Gregory Müller; LEÃO, Rodrigo Junqueira. Protótipo de um novo conceito de padrão primário de torque: primeiros resultados. In: CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE MECÂNICA EXPERIMENTAL, 10., 2016, Lisboa. Anais… 12 p.

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TACCOLA, Gregory Müller; LEÃO, Rodrigo Junqueira. Protótipo de um novo conceito de padrão primário de torque: primeiros resultados. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Análise Experimental de Tensões Mecânica Experimental, v.29, p. 9-15, 2017.

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