Consequências da verticalização no meio urbano


Verticalization represents a wide barrier that hinders the natural wind flow. The neighborhood Tatuapé, located at East Zone of São Paulo, where the Faculdade de Tecnologia Tatuapé – Victor Civita is situated, is passing through this urban process. The aim of this research is to study the region, analyzing if it has been suffering with problems of environmental confort, considering the actual neighborhood’s situation. The study also comprehended the region after verticalizations according to the 2002 and 2014 São Paulo’s Master Plan, to verify if the exploitation rate’s maximum values are coherent or excessive. A 1:500 scaled model representing the study’s region was built, and the radius had 0,5 m at the model e 250 m in the prototype, to make assays at wind tunnel from Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT) using the sand saltation technique which simulates the wind behavior around the buildings, giving qualitative results. Also, ENVI-met3.1 software was used as a complementary tool, bringing quantitative results of wind speed to the same study’s region, in other words, around FATEC Tatuapé. The experimental and numerical results indicates that the actual neighborhood situation allow a good urban ventilation. However, verticalizations according to both Master Plans (2002 and 2014), show similar results. In both cases there are lots of areas with bad air circulation, without air renovation, indicating that to realize urban verticalizations, would be appropriate make some experimental and numerical studies, to improve Master Plans.

OLIVEIRA, Paula Bregiatto de; MARTINS, Gabriel Borelli; JABARDO, Paulo José Saiz; NADER, Gilder. Consequências da verticalização no meio urbano. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA USP, 22., 2014, São Paulo. Trabalho apresentado… 4 p.

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