The qualification of deadweight machines is done through intercomparisons made with the help of force transfer standards. The present work refers to the development of a methodology for the calibration and adjustment of the force exerted by its weights with mass traceability. In its subsequent utilization, from the limits for each environmental parameter in the laboratory, changes in the resultant force when the weights are subjected to air buoyancy have been established throughout multivariable constrained minimization of the simplified formula for the air density.
LEÃO, Rodrigo Junqueira; TACCOLA, Gregory Müller; GARCIA, Antônio Carlos Marques; CASTANHO, Manuel Antônio Pires. Rastreabilidade de uma máquina de peso morto de 10 kN ás unidades de base do SI. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 7., 2013, Ouro Preto. Anais… 10 p.
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The qualification of deadweight machines is done through intercomparisons made with the help of force transfer standards. The present work refers to the development of a methodology for the calibration and adjustment of the force exerted by its weights with mass traceability. In its subsequent utilization, from the limits for each environmental parameter in the laboratory, changes in the resultant force when the weights are subjected to air buoyancy have been established throughout multivariable constrained minimization of the simplified formula for the air density.
LEÃO, Rodrigo Junqueira; TACCOLA, Gregory Müller; GARCIA, Antônio Carlos Marques; CASTANHO, Manuel Antônio Pires. Rastreabilidade de uma máquina de peso morto de 10 kN ás unidades de base do SI. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 7., 2013, Ouro Preto. Anais… 10 p.
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