Coordinate measuring machines with multiple sensors have been available to the market for more than a decade. New measuring techniques have been proposed and embedded to coordinate measuring machines, making possible dimensioning parts and components with intricate features. In this paper, the measurement problem of a part on a coordinate measuring machine outfitted with multiple probes is outlined and discussed. Particular attention is given to the reliability of the measurement method
YAMANAKA, Douglas Mamoru; BALDO, Crhistian Raffaelo; SILVA, Diogo Cesar Borges. Uso de máquinas de medição por coordenadas com múltiplos sensores para dimensionamento de peças com geometrias intrincadas. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 7., 2013, Ouro Preto. Anais… 4 p.
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Coordinate measuring machines with multiple sensors have been available to the market for more than a decade. New measuring techniques have been proposed and embedded to coordinate measuring machines, making possible dimensioning parts and components with intricate features. In this paper, the measurement problem of a part on a coordinate measuring machine outfitted with multiple probes is outlined and discussed. Particular attention is given to the reliability of the measurement method
YAMANAKA, Douglas Mamoru; BALDO, Crhistian Raffaelo; SILVA, Diogo Cesar Borges. Uso de máquinas de medição por coordenadas com múltiplos sensores para dimensionamento de peças com geometrias intrincadas. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 7., 2013, Ouro Preto. Anais… 4 p.
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