Although considerable attention has been paid to studies on the unidirectional solidification of peritectic alloys, most of these investigations are carried out under steady-state solidification, where both the growth rate and the thermal gradient can be independently controlled and held constant in time. In this work, a hypoperitectic Pb-9.5wt%Bi alloy was directionally solidified under unsteady-state heat flow conditions and the microstructure evolution was analyzed. Continuous temperature measurements in the casting were monitored during solidification, using a data acquisition system and a bank of six type J thermocouples positioned along the casting length. Thermal parameters such as the growth rate (v) and the cooling rate (T) were experimentally determined by the experimental cooling curves. The solidification microstructure was characterized by a dendritic morphology along the entire casting length. The primary (l1) and secondary (l2) dendrite arm spacings were measured and experimental growth laws relating them to the solidification thermal parameters v and T are proposed
CASTANHO, Manuel Antonio Pires; GOULART, P.R. ; CHEUNG, Noé ; GARCIA, A . Unsteady-state directional solidification of a hypoperitectic Pb-9.5wt5Bi alloy. Materials Science Forum, v.730-732, p.889-894, 2013.
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CASTANHO, Manuel Antonio Pires; GOULART, P.R. ; CHEUNG, Noé ; GARCIA, A . Unsteady-state directional solidification of a hypoperitectic Pb-9.5wt5Bi alloy. In: INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS SYMPOSIUM MATERIALS, 6., 2011, Guimarães. Proceedings… 6p.
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Although considerable attention has been paid to studies on the unidirectional solidification of peritectic alloys, most of these investigations are carried out under steady-state solidification, where both the growth rate and the thermal gradient can be independently controlled and held constant in time. In this work, a hypoperitectic Pb-9.5wt%Bi alloy was directionally solidified under unsteady-state heat flow conditions and the microstructure evolution was analyzed. Continuous temperature measurements in the casting were monitored during solidification, using a data acquisition system and a bank of six type J thermocouples positioned along the casting length. Thermal parameters such as the growth rate (v) and the cooling rate (T) were experimentally determined by the experimental cooling curves. The solidification microstructure was characterized by a dendritic morphology along the entire casting length. The primary (l1) and secondary (l2) dendrite arm spacings were measured and experimental growth laws relating them to the solidification thermal parameters v and T are proposed
CASTANHO, Manuel Antonio Pires; GOULART, P.R. ; CHEUNG, Noé ; GARCIA, A . Unsteady-state directional solidification of a hypoperitectic Pb-9.5wt5Bi alloy. Materials Science Forum, v.730-732, p.889-894, 2013.
Access to the article on the Journal’s website:
CASTANHO, Manuel Antonio Pires; GOULART, P.R. ; CHEUNG, Noé ; GARCIA, A . Unsteady-state directional solidification of a hypoperitectic Pb-9.5wt5Bi alloy. In: INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS SYMPOSIUM MATERIALS, 6., 2011, Guimarães. Proceedings… 6p.
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