Aspectos relacionados à utilização de medidores de vazão de óleo e gás sob condições diferentes de calibração


For achieving a reliable and valid measurement, the measuring instrument should be previously calibrated by means of a reference standard which accurately represents the quantity under measurement. In the case of flow meters for oil and gas, they are usually calibrated under conditions in laboratories recognized by official accreditation bodies. Nevertheless, the calibration of the meter itself does not define a sufficient condition to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measurement results. Experience shows that the correlation between the ideal world of a laboratory and the real world of a measurement system operating in the field should not be considered and easy task because there are many factors that can impact the results of a measurement. This paper addresses issues related to the differences that may arise between the calibration of oil and gas flowmeters and their subsequent use in measuring systems for fiscal, allocation, custody transfer and even operation application

KAWAKITA, Kazuto. Aspectos relacionados à utilização de medidores de vazão de óleo e gás sob condições diferentes de calibração. In: RIO OIL & GAS EXPO AND CONFERENCE, 2012, Rio de Janeiro. Anais…  Rio de Janeiro: IBP, 2012. 11 p.

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