Radiation application for paper preservation: Gamma irradiation at eucalyptus pulp sheets


Ionizing radiation has been proposed in order to protect information and books that many be lost due to fungi and or insects infestation. In general restaurators are very worried about the maintenance of original properties of items to be treated. The selected technology must consider two points: type of biological contamination and contamination control. Fungi is one of the principal organism which grows well on papers. Once this infestation is installed on the paper it will signify spots, resistance loses and deterioration. The organisms faces introduces enzymes, organic acids and pigments to the contaminated material. Ionizing radiation from gamma sources were applied at laboratory sheets manufactured with commercial cellulose pulp. The subject of this present paper was to investigate the ideal radiation dose that is safe for keeping the paper quality. Laboratory sheets (75 g/m²) were prepared in a TAPPI sheet former. Bleached sulphate Eucalyptus pulp, refined in laboratory PFI mil to 31 ºSR, was the raw material. The formed sheets were irradiated at INPEN’s 6ºCo Gammacell with 3kGy up to 25 kGy. No significant changes were detected in paper samples irradiated up to 9 kGy. This is the radiation dose to be suggested. During irradiation the applied rate was 0,817 Gy/s.

BORRELY, S.I.; BARBOSA, P.S.M.; D´ALMEIDA, M.L.O. Radiation application for paper preservation: Gamma irradiation at eucalyptus pulp sheets. In: INAC 2009, INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, 2009, Rio deJaneiro. Proceedings… Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear. 6 p.

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