The importance of the digital printing process is constantly increasing specially in the color inkjet printing Market, which includes areas as packaging, publications and SOHO (small office and home office). The technological development of the inkjet printing introduces new demands for the paper performance and its interaction with ink, due to the increasing printing speeds and image quality expectations. Considering paper quality and the final use of the printings, for example, photographs and documents, the tighten demands are those for permanent papers. The standard ISO 9706 – “Information and Document: Paper for Documents, Permanency Requirements” presents the specifications for permanent papers. These specifications are useful for the identification of the final quality of the commercial papers for inkjet printing, regarding permanence and durability. Thus considering the specifications of the ISO 9706, four commercial Brazilian papers used in SOHOs were physical and chemical characterized, building a quality profile for these papers and evaluating its fitness for inkjet printing.
YASSUMRA SASAKI, Patrícia Kaji; D’ÁLMEIDA, Maria Luiza Otero; ROBUSTI, Célio; PARK, Song Won . Caracterização de papéis comerciais brasileiros não revestidos voltados para impressão inkjet. In: CONGRESSO IBEROAMERICANO DE INVESTIGACION EN CELULOSE Y PAPEL, 5.: 2008: Guadalajara, México, CIADICYP 2008. Anais… 10 p.
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The importance of the digital printing process is constantly increasing specially in the color inkjet printing Market, which includes areas as packaging, publications and SOHO (small office and home office). The technological development of the inkjet printing introduces new demands for the paper performance and its interaction with ink, due to the increasing printing speeds and image quality expectations. Considering paper quality and the final use of the printings, for example, photographs and documents, the tighten demands are those for permanent papers. The standard ISO 9706 – “Information and Document: Paper for Documents, Permanency Requirements” presents the specifications for permanent papers. These specifications are useful for the identification of the final quality of the commercial papers for inkjet printing, regarding permanence and durability. Thus considering the specifications of the ISO 9706, four commercial Brazilian papers used in SOHOs were physical and chemical characterized, building a quality profile for these papers and evaluating its fitness for inkjet printing.
YASSUMRA SASAKI, Patrícia Kaji; D’ÁLMEIDA, Maria Luiza Otero; ROBUSTI, Célio; PARK, Song Won . Caracterização de papéis comerciais brasileiros não revestidos voltados para impressão inkjet. In: CONGRESSO IBEROAMERICANO DE INVESTIGACION EN CELULOSE Y PAPEL, 5.: 2008: Guadalajara, México, CIADICYP 2008. Anais… 10 p.
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