Ações de refino em moinho PFI e refinadores industriais de disco


The main goal of the present work is to understand, qualitatively, the difference between the industrial refiner and PFI mil and the better understand the action of refining in this type of mil. To do this, the physical properties of handsheets of pulp refined by both refiners were compared. This work was motivated by the results obtained in the interlaboratorial program for tests in pulp managed by IPT. With the data obtained in this program it was possible to verify the variation of the physical properties of the pulp refined in different PFI mills. Experiments with a pulp in different times of refining in mill PFI and disc refiner were made, so that the answers in characteristics of the pulp refined in PFI mill could be better understood. Finally these differences are analyzed and discussed for each physical property.

YASUMURA SASAKI, Patricia Kaji ; D\’ALMEIDA, M. L. O. ; PARK, Song Won. Ações de refino em moinho PFI e refinadores industriais de disco. In: CONGRESSO E EXPOSIÇÃO INTERNACIONAL DE CELULOSE E PAPEL, 40., 2007, São Paulo. Anais…. São Paulo: ABTCP, 2007. p. 1-7.

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