Ultra-high-speed variable reluctance motor (VRM) applied on gravimetric calibration device with magnetic suspension: an advance study (book chapter)


Variable Reluctance Motors (VRM) have great advantages for applications in the most diverse areas of the industry and equipment, due to its versatility, robustness, stability and the possibility of precise control of rotation, power and torque. In view of these advantages, it was decided to develop and simulate this type of motor for the on-screen prototype, which is intended for the calibration of gravimeters, intended for the detection of gravitational waves through the effect of these waves on rotating objects in ultra-high rotations of the order of 500,000 rpm. The proposed device requires a 1: 10,000 rpm error control, which will be possible due to the stability characteristics of the MRV. Due to the extremely low permissible vibration, the system uses magnetic bearings of the Lenz type in the rotor, with neodymium magnets interacting with the aluminum shaft, ensuring low friction and vibration. All of these aspects can be simulated using Matlab / Simulink, allowing a MRV performance perspective on the prototype. The robustness of the SRM coupled with the advances observed in todays microelectronics and power electronics are key to success in screen design and future detection of gravitational waves.

SANCHEZ, E.; FRAJUCA, C.; SILVA, C. Mariano da; BORTOLI, F.S.; FABRÍCIO JUNIOR, Carlos Alberto. Ultra-high-speed variable reluctance motor (VRM) applied on gravimetric calibration device with magnetic suspension: an advance study. In: TUZEMEN, Sebahattin. (ed.) Newest updates in physical science research. West Bengal, India: Book Publ. Intern., 2021. v.2, p.131-142.

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