Inspection and evaluation of wooden roof structures in historical building


This work presents the results of a detailed inspection of the wooden structures of the roof of a centenary building, located in the city of Sao Paulo, regarding its risk of ruin. The occurrences of termite attacks in all environments of the building were also evaluated, as well as, the geometric characteristics of the wooden roof structures (reinforcement, purlins and supports), and the presence of physical defects and biodeterioration level in the performance of the structural analysis. Signs of potential risk of ruin of some regions of the roof were caused mostly by termite attack, which resulted in the recommendation of its immediate interdiction and the supporting of some wooden components. We verified an unsafe condition in 36% of the wooden structures, 22% of which weren’t related to biodeterioration. It was recommended to control the termite infestation to prevent its progression as well as to avoid the risk of wooden structures ruin and to maintain the safety conditions of the roof structures. In addition, monitoring with periodic inspections was recommended for rapid assessment and mitigation of any problems.

PEREIRA, Ricardo Gomes de Freitas Nuno de Barros; SOUZA, Cassiano Oliveira de; YOJO, Takashi; MACENA, Suelem Mauricio Fontes; LOPEZ, Gonzalo Antonio Carballeira Inspection and evaluation of wooden roof structures in historical building. In: WORLD CONFERENCE ON TIMBER ENGINEERING, 2021, Santiago, WCTE2021. Proceedings… 7 p.

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