Cost of elephant grass and eucalyptus production in compressed bripell and briquettes using solar and induced drying


Biomass is used in production of energy from processes such as combustion, at the time, the most widely used fuel in this process is wood chips, sawdust, rice hulls, etc. Elephant grass is a promising energy source, requiring further study for detailed information of this variety. This work exhibit the compression costs (briquette and bripell), since planting of elephant grass and dense planting of eucalyptus, using solar and induced drying. It was extracted information from IPT project – Technological Research Institute, referring to plantation and burning of elephant grass, located in Panorama-SP, other information found in the review cited references. The cost methodology was adopted from the work of EMBRAPA. The compressed elephant grass indicates cost more competitive compared to eucalyptus, being favorable to produce the compressed grass for their own consumption, compared to the way they do today, buying the material from third part.

SEGUCHI, Henrique Juan Muramatsu; MAZZARELLA, Vicente Nelson Giovanni; FERREIRA, Paulo Henrique; KATAYAMA, Mari Tomita. Custo de produção do capim elefante e eucalipto compactado em bripells e briquetes, utilizando secagem solar e induzida. Revista Brasileira de Energias Renováveis, v.6, n.2, p.228-244, 2017

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