The use of phosphated zinc layers for the Mechanical conformation: from laboratory Scale to industrial application



The application of phosphated layers on steel is an important stage of the mechanical conformation process. The aim of this work was to perfect the traditional zinc phosphate layer production and to diversify the line production with modified zinc phosphate layer. It was developed a study with the traditional and modified phosphated layers comparing itself performances with and without lubrication as for the corrosion resistance (salt spray chamber) and the tribological behavior (seizure resistance and friction coefficient).

PANOSSIAN, Z.; LEITE, E; FERREIRA FILHO A.; SANTOS, C.A.L.; FARIAS M.C.M; SINATORA, A. Emprego de camadas de fosfato de zinco para a conformação mecânica: da escala de laboratório até a aplicação industrial. In: SEMINÁRIO DE LAMINAÇÃO PROCESSOS E PRODUTOS LAMINADOS E REVESTIDOS, 46., 2009, Santos. Anais… São Paulo: SBM, 2009. 12 p.

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