The german experience on the life cycle assessment of building reflections for Brazil


This work discusses the application of LCA for assessing the environmental performance of buildings in Germany and draws some lessons to foster its development in Brazil. It was done within a scientific exchange between the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics and the Institute for Technological Research. It is based on the analysis of standards, sustainability certifications, building energy efficiency regulations, LCA information sources and tools, and scientific publications. Sustainability certifications are the main motivation for the LCA of buildings in Germany, but the market share of certified buildings is low. Energy efficiency regulation is mandatory and is reducing the operational energy of German buildings, consequently increasing its embodied impact share. Generic data are the main LCA information source in Germany, despite certifications encouraging the use of EPDs. Tools allow for integrating LCA into decision processes, especially in early design phases. The authors expect LCA to be applied more broadly in Germany, with the shift of focus to the embodied impacts of buildings. But to effectively support reliable decisions, the availability of specific and reliable LCA data must be increased, both in Germany and in Brazil. A compromise is required between the degree complexity of LCA and the share of LCA adoption by the construction industry.

SILVA, Fernanda Belizario; HORM, Rafael; LENZ, Katrin. The german experience on the life cycle assessment of building reflections for Brazil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GESTÃO DO CICLO DE VIDA, 7., 2021, Gramado. Anais... v.1, p. 54-59.

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