Fatores determinantes da competividade internacional na indústria de construção naval


The aim of this article was to compare the Brazilian shipbuilding industry with similar in other countries, by the factors that are determinants of international competitiveness in this industry. It was intended to understand how public policies could act as an impact to the competitiveness of Brazilian shipbuilding. We can justify the importance of this issue because Brazil has increasingly invested in its own manufacturing, replacing the naval import that, today, appears as a large positive influential economic balance of this country, generating not only jobs, but also a significant capital flow to the country. The methodology used was a research diagnosis, which aims to build a cognitive map, showing the needs assessment regarding a given situation. Also a Swot analysis was performed, based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to shipbuilding in Brazil ahead of the main countries of the world. The observed factors indicated that domestic shipyards have the ability to reach international levels of high competitiveness in the long term, but it is necessary to constantly invest in quality for the country to develop and be featured increasingly in the sector in question.

GALANTIER, Diego; MACHADO, Eduardo Luiz. Fatores determinantes da competitividade internacional na indústria de construção naval. In: CICLO DE DEBATES EM ECONOMIA INDUSTRIAL, TRABALHO E TECNOLOGIA, 13., 2015, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: PUC, Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Economia Política, Grupo de Pesquisa em Economia Industrial, Trabalho e Tecnologia, 2015. p.82-100.

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