Silicone oil found in syringes commonly used for intravitreal injections


The manufacturing process of most commercially available syringes relies on siliconizing the inner surface of the syringe barrel in order to reduce the force that initiates plunger movement and its subsequent gliding. Silicone oil (SO) has been recently found in the vitreous. Its presence is often benign, but might become symptomatic, leading not only to floater symptoms, resulting in vitrectomy and its associated risks, but also to a significant intraocular inflammatory reaction.

AGRA, Lydianne Lumack do Monte; MELO, Gustavo Barreto; LIMA FILHO, Acácio Alves Souza; OTA, Shoko; MAIA, Maurício. Silicone oil found in syringes commonly used for intravitreal injections. Arquivos Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, v.82, n.4, 2019.

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